How Do I Make My Piano Keyboard Dust-Free?

How Do I Make My Piano Keyboard Dust-Free, dust cover

Did you know that your lovely piano’s smooth performance depends on how well you are taking care of it, especially the keys on a piano?

Well, you can’t keep the teeny tiny particles of dust away from your precious instrument. What you can do is to use piano keyboard covers and take some time regularly to keep your piano keyboard dust-free, so your beautiful piano remains sparkling, clean, and practicable for as long as you desire. Let’s explain how to clean piano keys.

Be Mindful Of The Material Of Your Keyboard

Before you start the piano cleaning process, you must have a clear idea about your piano keys. This will help you proceed the right way and choose suitable cleaning materials.

Pianos usually have ivory and plastic keys, while modern and latest pianos have acrylic plastic keys. The major line of difference between these two types of keys is their color.

  • Ivory keys have off-white color and will become yellow if not wiped properly.
  • On the other hand, Plastic piano keys are much smoother and give a modern touch to the pianos of this generation.

No matter the type of your piano keys, you must use a piano key cover to protect them from dust. Now, how to clean keyboard keys? With few simple tips, your favorite musical instrument can stay dust-free.

How To Remove Dust From Piano Keyboard?

To keep your piano keyboard in top shape, you don’t need a professional hand at all. A little basic knowledge of piano cleaning and simple materials from your home will suffice.

Follow these easy tips to carefully clean your piano keyboard.

  • The first thing you must do is dust off the piano keys lightly to remove all the dust and dry dirt on the surface.
  • Now, using a soft-bristle brush, clean the space between the piano keys.
  • Next, you need to prepare one part vinegar and three-part water solution and use cheesecloth to wipe the keys carefully. Use different pieces of clothes for the black and white keys.

It is a simple yet best way to clean a keyboard.

How To Clean Ivory Piano Keys?

If you have an ivory piano keyboard, here is what you need to do:

  • For ivory piano keys, mix warm water with few drops of liquid dish wash. Take a soft cloth and dip it in the mixture. Rub this soft cloth gently on the keys, cleaning the dust on them.
  • After cleaning the keys with a damp cloth, remember to use a dry cloth to remove any moisture on the piano keys.
  • Make sure you are using a clean white cloth for tidying up your piano to avoid damaging the whiteness of your piano keyboard.

Ivory keys can lose their color with time due to the accumulation of dust, and discolored keys will only destroy the look of your grand piano. Here is a quick tip that can save your piano and make it sparkling white.

Take mild white toothpaste and use a damp cloth to remove the yellow ting and any stubborn stains on the keys. Once you are finished, wipe the keys with a cloth dipped in fresh milk, and finally, clean the keys with a dry cloth.

How Do I Make My Piano Keyboard Dust-Free, dust cover

Things To Avoid While Piano Cleaning

When cleaning a piano, you need to bear in mind certain do’s and don’ts, including;

  • Avoid using cleaners with a high ratio of chemicals in them. These chemicals are harmful to the health of your piano keys.
  • Don’t use paper towels for cleaning. Instead, use a lint-free cloth to bring shine to the piano keys.
  • Using sprays and disinfectants during the cold season may look like a wise idea, but it can cause damage to the delicate inner parts of the instrument.
  • Wipe the keys using a dry cloth. Wet clothes will leave moisture on the keys, which will destroy the look and performance of your valuable music piece.
  • The use of brushes, sponges, and hard detergents is also not recommended as they are not suitable for piano cleaning.
  • Get professional help if the keys need scrapping or are seriously discolored.